
  • Ripon College (postcode/zip code = Oxford OX44 9EX) is located in an idyllic village a few miles outside the City Centre of Oxford.
  • Detailed instructions on getting to Ripon College and a map can be found here.
  • There are instructions on getting to and from Oxford City by air, rail and bus here.
  • And some additional instructions from the City Tourist Office here.
  • Travel between London and Oxford is easiest by bus – especially from the airports.
  • Direct and convenient buses between Oxford and London Airports can be found at The Airline
  • Please note that there is very limited public transport to Cuddesdon, but lots of parking there so renting a car is not a bad idea. Firms such as Enterprise offer very competitive rates.
  • See the Oxford Tube and Oxford Bus Company websites for cheap tickets between other parts of London and Oxford.